Health and Beauty at DeshShop Your One-Stop Shop for Health and Beauty Products Salons Fitness and More
Health and Beauty at DeshShop Your One-Stop Shop for Health and Beauty Products Salons Fitness and More
Health and Beauty at DeshShop Your One-Stop Shop for Health and Beauty Products Salons Fitness and More
Health and Beauty at DeshShop Your One-Stop Shop for Health and Beauty Products Salons Fitness and More
Health and Beauty at DeshShop Your One-Stop Shop for Health and Beauty Products Salons Fitness and More
  • • ঘাড়, পা, মেরুদন্ড, পিঠ, কোমর ব্যথা থেকে শুরু করে যে কোন ব্যথায় আরাম দিবে এই ডিজিটাল থেরাপি মেশিন
    • আছে ব্যাটারিতে চালানো সহ সরাসরি কারেন্ট কিংবা পিসির ইউ এস বি তে চালানোর সুবিধা
    • সমস্যা অনুযায়ী আছে ৮ ধরনের মোড,যা ব্যথা অনুযায়ী থেরাপি দিবে
    • টাইম সেট করা থেকে আছে আরো অনেক সুবিধা
    • পরিবারের সবার জন্য ব্যবহার উপযোগী
    • ৪টা কানেক্টিং প্যাড

    Original price was: 1,150৳ .Current price is: 850৳ .
  • Micro Touch Solo – Trimmer
    Rechargeable Electric Trimmer (দাড়ি সেইভ করার অত্যাধুনিক যন্ত্র‌) ।
    যা দিয়ে অাপনি অনায়াসেই পানি,ব্লেড এবং অন্যান্য সেভিং ক্রিম ছাড়াই দাড়ি সেইভ করতে পারবেন…!!!
    Key Features:
    1. Lithium-Ion rechargeable battery
    2. Built-in light
    3. Safe to the touch
    4. Zero skin irritation-no cream, no soap, no water
    5. Cordless: 180 minute charge time for 45 minute run time
    6. Weight (kg): 0.3

    Original price was: 1,850৳ .Current price is: 1,250৳ .
  • Product details of 11-piece stainless steel manicure pedicure tool set Portable travel and toilet tool set Professional nail clipper set Manicure set
    Made of quality stainless steel, which is eco-friendly and durable for use.

    Original price was: 790৳ .Current price is: 650৳ .
  • এই Panasonic Hair Dryer EH-ND11 টি আপনাকে মসৃণ চুলের শুকনো অভিজ্ঞতা পেতে সহায়তা করার জন্য ডিজাইন করা হয়েছে। যন্ত্রটিতে 1.8 মিটার কর্ড যুক্ত যা আপনার চুলকে দূর থেকেও সতেজভাবে শুকিয়ে দেয়। আর হাতের ঘামের ব্যাপারে চিন্তা করতে হবে না।

    Original price was: 2,400৳ .Current price is: 2,100৳ .
  • আপনার ত্বককে কোন সাইড ইফেক্ট ছাড়াই মাত্র ১০ -১২ দিনে ২-৩ শেড ফর্সা করবে।
    • এই ক্রিমে রয়েছে ভিটামিন, এটি সহজেই ত্বকের সাথে মিশে যায়, ত্বক উজ্জ্বল করে এবং ত্বকের দাগ ও খুঁত ঢেকে দেয়।
    • এটি ত্বককে শুধু আর্দ্রই করে না বরং দাঘহীন চকচকে ত্বক প্রদান করে ।
    • প্রতিদিনের ব্যবহারে জন্য এটি একটি প্রাকৃতিক উজ্জ্বলতা দেয় যাকে বলা যায় no makeup-makeup look.
    • ত্বককে উজ্জ্বল/গ্লো করে তুলবে।
    • ত্বককে ময়শ্চারাইজিং করে তুলবে।
    • ত্বককে করবে হাইড্রটিং, রিফ্রেশিং, হোয়াইটনিং, ব্রাইটনিং, কনসেলেং।
    • আপনার ত্বকে গোলাপি আভা ছড়াবে।
    • ব্যাকহেডস ও হোয়াইটহেডস দূর হবে।
    • ডার্ক স্পট দূর করবে।

    Original price was: 850৳ .Current price is: 750৳ .
  • Product details of Caffeine Hair Loss shampoo
    Men & Woman
    100% Brand New and Best Quality Product
    Easy to use just Gently Massage In
    Increase nutrient absorption and accelerate hair growth
    Enriched with multiple natural nourishing ingredients that infiltrate into the hair follicle roots
    Home and Salon Use

    Original price was: 850৳ .Current price is: 750৳ .
  • Epuipped with flat massage head
    Altitude simulation kneading massage with heating therapy
    Ergonomic design,the contact point is more smooth,more comfortable
    With UL approval adaptor.2A,more powerful
    Item Type:Massage & Relaxation
    Model Name:massage pillow
    Material:Composite Material

    Original price was: 2,350৳ .Current price is: 1,950৳ .
  • Kemei Brand
    Power Consumption: 40 W
    Temperature Range: 160-220 deg C
    Heat Up Time: 1 Minute
    Automatic Shut Off: Yes
    Swivel Cord: No
    Number of Temperature Settings: 4
    Coating: Ceramic
    Cord Length: 1.8 m
    Heat Up Time: 30 Sec

    Original price was: 1,850৳ .Current price is: 1,500৳ .
  • ডার্ক সার্কেল এবং কালো দাগ দূর করে এর পাশাপাশি চোখের নিচের ভাজ থাকলে টানটান আকর্ষণীয় করে।
    শুষ্কতা থেকে রক্ষা করে একটি কোমল ভাব এনে দেয় ত্বকে , উজ্জলতা বাড়ানোর জন্য একটি কার্যকরি ক্রিম
    BlueBerry উপাদান দিয়ে তৈরি যা চোখের চারপাশের কোষগুলিতে ভিটামিন ও পুষ্টির যোগান দিয়ে , চোখের চারপাশ আরো সজীব ও প্রানবন্ত করে তোলে
    প্রতিদিনের ধুলাবালি এবং বাইরের বৈরী আবহাওয়া থেকে যে ময়লা ও ধুলোর আস্তরন পরে , তা পরিস্কার করে একদম ত্বকের গভীর থেকে পরিস্কার করে

    Original price was: 450৳ .Current price is: 350৳ .
  • পাকা চুল কলপ করার দিন শেষ!!!
    আর নয় পাকা চুল কলপ করার ঝামেলা।(নকল হইতে সাবধান)
    শুধু একটি শ্যাম্পু (made in indian) ব্যবহার করলেই ২৫-৩০ দিন আপনার সাদা,পাকা চুল থাকবে স্বাভাবিক কালো এবং খুসকি মুক্ত ১০০% গ্যারান্টি।
    এর কোনো পার্শপ্রতিক্রিয়া নেই।
    হাত/মাথার স্কিন বা চামড়ায় কোনো দাগ লাগে না।
    সম্পূর্ণ হালাল এবং হারবাল পন্য।
    খুসকি দূর করে এবং চুলের গোড়া মজবুত করে।

    Original price was: 350৳ .Current price is: 300৳ .
  • কার্ল প্লেট, ট্রান্সফার স্যুইচ সঙ্গে সোজা প্লেট এবং ওয়েভ প্লেট
    ফ্রন্ট শেষ heat up প্রয়োজন নেই।
    360 ডিগ্রী swivel cord
    Power indicator light
    সব ধরনের চুলের জন্য এটি ব্যবহার করা যায়।
    Model: GM-2922
    Brand: Gemei
    Colour: Pastel Blue, Hot Pink
    Power: AC 220V 50Hz 45W

    Original price was: 2,499৳ .Current price is: 2,199৳ .
  • Beard Growth Oil

    0 out of 5

    -এটি ব্যবহার এ আপনার শরীর এ যে হরমন টা দাঁড়ি গজাতে সাহায্য করে তা বৃদ্ধি করে। যার ফলে আপনার ফেসে নতুন দাঁড়ি গজাতে শুরু করে ও দাড়ি ঘন করে?
    ?আপনার ফেসে একটি দাঁড়ি না থাকলে ও নতুন দাঁড়ি গজাবে।
    ?অনেকের দাঁড়ির মধ্যে Gap থাকে ।এটি দাঁড়ির মধ্যের Gap দূর করে Line Up করবে।
    ?থুথনিতে দাড়ি আছে কিন্তু গালে নাই। এটি ব্যাবহারে আপনার গালে দাঁড়ি তে ভরে যাবে ।
    ?৪ সপ্তাহের মধ্যে আপনার ফেসে যে নতুন দাঁড়ি গজাচ্ছে তা দেখতে পাবেন। অনেকের ৬-৮ সপ্তাহ অপেক্ষা করতে
    হয়। কারন সবার হরমন এক রকম না। কিন্তু ৬-৮ সপ্তাহে ১০০% দাঁড়ি আসবে..

    Original price was: 550৳ .Current price is: 350৳ .

Discover the Best in Health and Beauty at – Your One-Stop Shop for Beauty Products, Salons, Fitness, and More!

At, we are your one-stop shop for all things health and beauty. From beauty products and salons to fitness equipment and personal trainers, we have everything you need to look and feel your best. With our wide selection of products and services, affordable prices, and commitment to quality and customer satisfaction, we are confident that you will love shopping with us. Explore our website today and discover the best in health and beauty!

Health and Beauty Care

Health and beauty are two things that are interconnected. In order to maintain a healthy body, it is important to take care of your skin and appearance. At, we believe that everyone deserves to feel beautiful and healthy. That’s why we offer a wide range of products and services to help you achieve your goals. Whether you’re looking for 24-hour fitness options, beauty products, or a new hairstyle, we’ve got you covered.

24 Hour Fitness

If you’re looking for a gym that’s open around the clock, we have options for you. We understand that people have busy schedules, and finding time to work out can be challenging. That’s why we offer 24-hour fitness options that allow you to exercise whenever it’s convenient for you. Whether you prefer cardio, strength training, or group fitness classes, we have something for everyone.

Fitness First

If you’re looking for a gym that offers more than just exercise equipment, check out Fitness First. Our gym offers a variety of amenities to help you achieve your fitness goals. We have personal trainers who can create a customized workout plan for you, as well as group fitness classes that are both challenging and fun. Our facilities also include a sauna, steam room, and swimming pool, so you can relax and unwind after a workout.


Exercise is an important part of a healthy lifestyle. It can help you maintain a healthy weight, reduce your risk of chronic diseases, and improve your overall quality of life. Whether you prefer cardio or strength training, it’s important to find an exercise routine that works for you. We offer a variety of fitness options to suit your needs, including group fitness classes, personal training, and 24-hour gym access.


Nutrition is another key component of a healthy lifestyle. Eating a balanced diet can help you maintain a healthy weight, reduce your risk of chronic diseases, and improve your overall health. At, we offer a variety of products to help you maintain a healthy diet, including supplements, protein bars, and meal replacement shakes.

Weight Loss

If you’re looking to lose weight, we have products and services that can help. In addition to exercise and nutrition, there are a variety of weight loss supplements and meal plans available to help you achieve your goals. Our personal trainers can also provide guidance and support to help you stay motivated throughout your weight loss journey.

Beauty Products

In addition to fitness and nutrition, we offer a wide range of beauty products to help you look and feel your best. Whether you’re looking for makeup, skincare, or hair care products, we have options to suit your needs. Our products are sourced from trusted brands, and we offer competitive prices to ensure that you get the best value for your money.

Skin Care Products

Maintaining healthy skin is an important part of overall health and beauty. We offer a variety of skin care products to help you keep your skin looking its best. From cleansers and toners to moisturizers and serums, our products are designed to address a range of skin concerns. Whether you have dry, oily, or sensitive skin, we have products that can help.

Best Face Wash for Oily Skin

If you have oily skin, finding the right face wash can be a challenge. We recommend trying a face wash that is specifically designed for oily skin. Some of our top picks include Cetaphil Oil Control Foam Wash, Neutrogena Oil-Free Acne Wash, and La Roche-Posay Effaclar Medicated Gel Cleanser.

Best Moisturizer for Oily Skin

If you have oily skin, it’s important to choose a moisturizer that won’t leave your skin feeling greasy or clogged. Look for a lightweight moisturizer that is oil-free and non-comedogenic.
Some of our top picks for the best moisturizers for oily skin include Cetaphil DermaControl Oil Control Moisturizer, Neutrogena Hydro Boost Water Gel, and La Roche-Posay Effaclar Mat Moisturizer.

Best Face Wash for Dry Skin

If you have dry skin, it’s important to choose a face wash that won’t strip your skin of its natural oils. Look for a gentle, hydrating cleanser that is free of harsh chemicals and fragrances. Some of our top picks for the best face wash for dry skin include Cetaphil Gentle Skin Cleanser, Aveeno Positively Radiant Brightening Cleanser, and Cerave Hydrating Facial Cleanser.

Best Moisturizer for Dry Skin

If you have dry skin, it’s important to choose a moisturizer that will provide long-lasting hydration without feeling heavy or greasy. Look for a moisturizer that contains ingredients like hyaluronic acid and ceramides, which help to lock in moisture and improve skin barrier function. Some of our top picks for the best moisturizers for dry skin include Cerave Moisturizing Cream, Neutrogena Hydro Boost Gel-Cream, and La Roche-Posay Lipikar Balm AP+.

Beauty Salon

If you’re looking for a full-service beauty salon, we have options for you. Our salons offer a range of services, including haircuts, coloring, styling, manicures, and pedicures. Our stylists and nail technicians are highly trained and use only the best products to ensure that you get the results you want.

Beauty Salon Near Me

If you’re looking for a beauty salon near you, we can help. Our salons are conveniently located in a variety of locations, making it easy to find a salon that’s close to your home or workplace. To find a beauty salon near you, simply use our store locator tool on

Hair Salon

If you’re looking for a new hairstyle, our hair salons offer a range of services to help you achieve the look you want. From haircuts and coloring to styling and extensions, our stylists have the skills and expertise to help you look your best.

Hair Salon Near Me

If you’re looking for a hair salon near you, we can help. Our hair salons are located in a variety of locations, making it easy to find a salon that’s convenient for you. To find a hair salon near you, simply use our store locator tool on

Hair Stores

If you’re looking for hair care products, we have a wide range of options to choose from. Our hair stores offer everything from shampoo and conditioner to styling products and hair tools. We carry products from trusted brands like Pantene, L’Oreal, and Garnier, so you can be sure that you’re getting high-quality products that will help you achieve your hair goals.

Hair Styling

If you’re looking for hair styling services, our stylists can help you achieve any look you want. Whether you’re looking for a sleek blowout, beachy waves, or an updo for a special occasion, our stylists have the skills and expertise to help you look your best.

Manicure and Pedicure

If you’re looking for a manicure or pedicure, our salons offer a range of services to help you achieve perfectly polished nails. From classic French manicures to trendy nail art, our nail technicians have the skills and creativity to help you get the look you want.

Manicure Pedicure

If you’re looking for both a manicure and pedicure, we offer packages that allow you to get both services at a discounted price. Our manicure pedicure packages are designed to help you save money while getting pampered from head to toe.

Eyebrow Shaping

If you’re looking to get your eyebrows shaped, our salons offer a range of options to help you achieve perfectly shaped brows. Our technicians use the latest techniques to shape your eyebrows to complement your face shape and enhance your natural beauty.

Eyelashes Extensions

If you’re looking to enhance your lashes, we offer eyelash extensions that can give you longer, fuller lashes without the need for mascara. Our technicians use high-quality materials to ensure that your lashes look natural and beautiful.

Makeup Products

If you’re looking for makeup products, we have a wide range of options to choose from. Our selection includes everything from foundation and concealer to eyeshadow and lipstick. We carry products from top brands like Maybelline, L’Oreal, and Revlon, so you can be sure that you’re getting high-quality products that will help you achieve your desired look.

Makeup Kits

If you’re just starting out with makeup or looking for a new makeup routine, our makeup kits are a great option. Our kits include everything you need to achieve a specific look, whether you’re going for a natural look or a bold, dramatic look.

Makeup Mirror

If you’re looking for a makeup mirror, we have options that will help you achieve the perfect look. Our makeup mirrors come with built-in lights that provide bright, even lighting, making it easy to apply your makeup with precision.

Makeup Mirror with Lights

If you’re looking for a makeup mirror with lights, our selection includes options that will help you achieve the perfect lighting for applying your makeup. Our mirrors come with adjustable lighting settings that allow you to choose the perfect level of brightness for your needs.

Makeup Highlighter

If you’re looking to add some glow to your makeup look, our makeup highlighters are a great option. Our highlighters come in a variety of shades and formulas, including cream, powder, and liquid, so you can find the perfect match for your skin type and tone.

Lipstick Shades

If you’re looking for lipstick shades, our selection includes a wide range of options to suit any occasion or mood. From classic reds and pinks to bold purples and blues, we have options to help you express your unique style.

Rare Beauty Blush

If you’re looking for a blush that will give you a natural, radiant glow, Rare Beauty blush is a great option. Our selection includes a range of shades that will flatter any skin tone, and the formula is long-lasting and buildable, so you can achieve the perfect level of color for your needs.

Makeup Bags

If you’re looking for a way to keep your makeup organized and easy to access, our makeup bags are a great option. Our bags come in a range of sizes and styles, so you can find the perfect match for your needs.

Makeup Box

If you have a large collection of makeup and need a way to keep it all organized, our makeup boxes are a great option. Our boxes come with multiple compartments and drawers to help you keep your makeup sorted and easy to access.

Nail Color

If you’re looking for nail color options, our selection includes a wide range of shades and finishes to suit any occasion or mood. From classic neutrals to bold brights and glittery shades, we have options to help you express your unique style.

Nails Design 2023

If you’re looking for nail design inspiration, our selection includes a range of trendy and classic options to suit any occasion or mood. From simple stripes and polka dots to intricate floral designs and glitter accents, we have options to help you achieve the perfect look for any event.

Trendy Nails 2023

If you’re looking for the latest nail trends for 2023, our selection includes options that will help you stay on top of the latest styles. From bold neon shades and abstract designs to minimalist nail art and textured finishes, we have options to suit any taste.

Manicure and Pedicure

If you’re looking to treat yourself to a manicure or pedicure, our salons offer a range of options to help you relax and rejuvenate. Our technicians use high-quality products and techniques to ensure that your nails look beautiful and healthy.

Manicure Pedicure

If you’re looking to get both a manicure and pedicure, our salon offers packages that combine the two services at a discounted price. Our packages include a range of options to help you get the perfect treatment for your needs.

Hair Styling

If you’re looking to get your hair styled, our salons offer a range of options to help you achieve the perfect look. Whether you’re looking for a new haircut, color, or style, our stylists have the skills and expertise to help you get the look you want.

Hair Stores

If you’re looking for hair products, our stores carry a range of options to suit any hair type or style. From shampoos and conditioners to styling products and hair accessories, we have everything you need to keep your hair looking healthy and beautiful.

Best Hair Salon Near Me

If you’re looking for the best hair salon near you, our salons offer a range of services to help you achieve your desired look. Our stylists are highly trained and experienced, and we use only the highest quality products and tools to ensure that your hair looks its best.

Best Moisturizer for Dry Skin

If you have dry skin, our selection includes a range of moisturizers to help you keep your skin hydrated and healthy. Our moisturizers are formulated with high-quality ingredients that nourish and protect your skin, so you can look and feel your best.

Best Moisturizer for Oily Skin

If you have oily skin, our selection includes moisturizers that are specially formulated to provide lightweight hydration without clogging your pores. Our moisturizers are designed to help balance your skin’s natural oils, so you can achieve a healthy, radiant complexion.

Best Eye Cream for Dark Circles

If you struggle with dark circles under your eyes, our selection includes eye creams that are formulated to reduce puffiness and brighten your skin. Our eye creams are packed with powerful ingredients that help reduce the appearance of dark circles, so you can look refreshed and rejuvenated.

Best Face Wash for Oily Skin

If you have oily skin, our selection includes face washes that are specially formulated to remove excess oil and impurities without stripping your skin of its natural moisture. Our face washes are designed to help balance your skin’s oils and prevent breakouts, so you can achieve a clear, healthy complexion.

Best Foundation for Oily Skin

If you have oily skin, our selection includes foundations that are specially formulated to provide long-lasting coverage without clogging your pores. Our foundations are designed to help control oil and prevent shine, so you can achieve a flawless, matte finish.

Korean Skin Care

If you’re looking for Korean skin care products, our selection includes a range of options to help you achieve the coveted “glass skin” look. From cleansing oils and essences to serums and sheet masks, we have everything you need to achieve a healthy, radiant complexion.

Korean Skin Care Routine

If you’re looking to adopt a Korean skin care routine, our selection includes everything you need to get started. Our routines typically involve multiple steps, including double cleansing, toning, moisturizing, and applying serums and essences, and we carry products to help you achieve each step.

Truly Beauty

If you’re looking for all-natural, vegan beauty products, our selection includes options from Truly Beauty. This brand uses high-quality, natural ingredients to create products that nourish and rejuvenate your skin, without the use of harmful chemicals or additives.

Rare Beauty Blush

If you’re looking for a high-quality, long-lasting blush, our selection includes options from Rare Beauty. This brand’s blushes are formulated to provide a natural-looking flush of color that lasts all day, so you can look your best from morning until night.

Makeup Mirror with Lights

If you’re looking for a high-quality makeup mirror with lights, our selection includes options that will help you achieve the perfect lighting for your makeup application. Our mirrors are designed with bright, natural light to help you see every detail, so you can achieve a flawless look every time.

Makeup Products

If you’re looking for makeup products, our selection includes options to suit any style or occasion. From everyday basics like mascara and lipstick to special occasion products like highlighter and eyeshadow palettes, we have everything you need to achieve your desired look.

Makeup Kits

If you’re new to makeup or looking to try out new products, our makeup kits offer a range of options to help you get started. Our kits include a selection of products for eyes, lips, and face, so you can experiment with different looks and find the products that work best for you.

Makeup Bags

If you’re looking for a stylish and functional makeup bag, our selection includes options to suit any taste. Our bags are designed with high-quality materials and features like multiple compartments and waterproof linings to help keep your makeup organized and protected.

Makeup Highlighter

If you’re looking for a high-quality, long-lasting highlighter, our selection includes options from top brands like Becca and Fenty Beauty. Our highlighters are formulated to provide a radiant, dewy glow that lasts all day, so you can look your best from morning until night.

Eyelashes Extensions

If you’re looking to enhance your natural lashes, our salons offer eyelash extensions to help you achieve longer, fuller lashes without the need for mascara or false lashes. Our technicians use high-quality products and techniques to ensure that your lashes look natural and beautiful.

Eyebrow Shaping

If you’re looking to get your eyebrows shaped, our salons offer a range of options to help you achieve the perfect look. Our technicians use techniques like threading, waxing, and tinting to help you achieve defined, well-groomed brows that complement your facial features.

Nail Color

If you’re looking for a new nail color, our selection includes options to suit any taste or occasion. From bold, bright shades to classic neutrals, we have everything you need to achieve the perfect look for your nails.

Nails Design 2023

If you’re looking for the latest nail trends for 2023, our selection includes options that will help you stay on top of the latest styles. From bold neon shades and abstract designs to minimalist nail art and textured finishes, we have options to suit any taste.

Trendy Nails 2023

If you’re looking to stay on top of the latest nail trends for 2023, our selection includes options that will help you achieve the perfect look. From colorful nail art and bold designs to minimalist styles and textured finishes, we have everything you need to keep your nails looking stylish and on-trend.

In conclusion, at, we are dedicated to providing our customers with a wide selection of high-quality health and beauty products and services. Whether you’re looking for makeup, skincare, haircare, nail care, or other beauty services, we have everything you need to look and feel your best. With our commitment to quality and customer satisfaction, we strive to be your go-to source for all things health and beauty. From popular brands like Maybelline and Love Beauty and Planet to up-and-coming brands like Truly Beauty and Rare Beauty, we have a wide selection of products to suit any taste or budget.

In addition to our extensive product selection, we also offer a range of services to help you look and feel your best. Our salons offer services like manicures, pedicures, eyebrow shaping, and eyelash extensions to help you achieve the perfect look for any occasion. Our personal trainers and Pilates classes can help you achieve your fitness goals, while our nutrition experts can provide guidance and advice on achieving a healthy diet and lifestyle.

Whether you’re looking to update your beauty routine, try out a new hairstyle, or get in shape, has everything you need to achieve your goals. With our commitment to quality, customer satisfaction, and affordable prices, we are confident that you will love our products and services. Shop with us today and discover the best in health and beauty!

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